Acceptance Test Technician Application

Become an Acceptance Test Technician

  • The state of California requires that all ATTs take an online recertification course each new code cycle, regardless of when they were certified. The next code cycle will take effect Jan, 1st 2023
  • A Lighting Controls Acceptance Test Technician is an installation technician that is certified to perform Nonresidential Acceptance Testing for lighting controls.
    1. Note: An ATT must work under, or become, a certified Acceptance Test Employer (ATE) to perform the Acceptance Testing. Click here for information about the ATE Certification.
  • NLCAA’s Acceptance Test Technician course is a 3-day class.
  • The regular price for the ATT course is $1500, but if you choose to sign up for our course today the cost is only $895.00.
  • This cost not only includes access to the class, but NLCAA also provides an ATT Handbook to help you follow along in the course and keep as a handy tool to review when you are getting ready to test.

Considerations and Requirements

  • The ATT applicant is not required to be a certified general electrician.
  • NLCAA ATTs are required to complete lighting controls prerequisite modules prior to submitting the ATT Application. Create a free account on the Lighting Controls Association LCA website and complete the following modules:

    • EE 101. Introduction to Lighting Control.
    • EE 102. Switching Control. (102A and 102B)
    • EE 103. Dimming Control. (Dimming Controls Part 1 and 2 only)
    • EE 105. Lighting Control System Design. (Part 1-3)
    • EE 110. Commissioning and Lighting Controls.
    • EE201: Daylight-Responsive Lighting Control.

Application Process

  • Create an account on our website.
  • Complete the personal information section of the application.
  • Complete the company information section of the application.
  • Submit the required documents.
  • NLCAA personnel reviews the application for completion.
  • NLCAA sends an email notifying applicant of approval.
  • Log in to make payment and schedule the class.
  • Attend the 3-day class and pass the final quiz with a 75% or better.
  • NLCAA emails the ATT Number and Certificate.

Have the following documents ready

  • Government ID
  • Electrician Certification Card (If applicable)
  • Electrical Contractor’s License (If applicable)
  • Experience Qualification Questionnaire
    (Found on the resources page.)
  • Certificates of Completion downloaded from the LCA Website

Please provide your personal information. We will only use this information if we are unable to contact you with the company information you provide us on the next tab.